14 Hektar. An experiental audio walk through Görlitzer Park on community, transformation and environmental justice | Berlin

Audiowalk von kollektiveslernen

2 Stationen
26:31 min Audio
directions_walk favorite 12
Sprachen: English German
14 Hektar. An experiental audio walk through Görlitzer Park on community, transformation and environmental justice

14 Hektar. An experiential audio walk through Görlitzer Park on community, transformation and environmental justice.

Traveling through the past and present of Görlitzer Park, the audio walk accompanies the listener through the subject of environmental justice and encourages the listener to engage with what can be experienced.

Görlitzer Park is probably the most discussed green space in Berlin and is repeatedly the subject of an often stigmatising debate about migration and the question of how we want to design and live our public space.

However, the history of the site and its significance for the metropolis goes far back in time. What did it look like here in post-war Berlin? And what does this have to do with a huge landfill in Ghana?

The boundaries of a city are not identical with its administrative boundaries. The park doesn’t end where you expect it.

Project participants

  • Voices: Timo Stukenberg, Mab Cardoso, Nouras Hanana

  • Contributions: Hanna Stoll (Kinderbauernhof auf dem Görlitzer) and Moctar Dan Yaye (Afrique-Europe-Interact)

  • Coordination: Marco Clausen, Luca Sumfleth

  • Recherche: Saadya Windauer‏, Luca Sumfleth
  • Content advisor: Tendai Chitewere
  • Dramaturgy: Maicyra Leão
  • Sound Design: Marina Sarno
  • Artwork: Mirielle Rohr


Das Projekt wird aus Mitteln der Projektförderung des Bezirks Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg gefördert.

Das Projekt wird von der Rosa Luxemburg Stitung gefördert.

Träger: Id22 - Institut für kreative Nachhaltigkeit

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Stationen in diesem Audioguide:

Start (13:14 min) • Part II (13:17 min)

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