KaLis Werkstatt, Kinderforscherzentrum

Aus dem Audiowalk Vielfalt in der Klosterstraße | Lilienthal

Vielfalt in der Klosterstraße
11 Stationen
9:02 min Audio
810 m directions_walk favorite 5
KaLis Werkstatt, Kinderforscherzentrum

What do you think—can you build a wooden bridge without nails?
I won’t tell you the answer just yet. You’ll have to find out for yourself here!

In this workshop, there’s so much to try and experiment with—it’s a lot of fun. Mr. Bechmann will happily welcome you here. He enjoys exploring and experimenting with you. There are hands-on activity stations where you can think and wonder, solve puzzles, make guesses, and try things out until you succeed.

Is what we see always real? Is it true or false, or are we being tricked? Can we see something that isn’t there? Is something moving or not? What is air, where is it, and what can it do? So many questions! You’ll find the answers by exploring and experiencing them here.

Energy and its mysterious forms are also a hot topic. Here, you can investigate and uncover its secrets.

Now, let’s head back along the path to the fountain and continue to the right. From there, we’ll reach Murkenshof.

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