Altes Amtsgericht

Aus dem Audiowalk Vielfalt in der Klosterstraße | Lilienthal

Vielfalt in der Klosterstraße
11 Stationen
9:02 min Audio
810 m directions_walk favorite 5
Altes Amtsgericht

Here is the Old District Court.
At the cool youth center, you’ll meet Tom. You can chat with him, play billiards, or game together. You can really spend your free time well here—playing, being creative, and meeting friends. The youth center is open regularly.

If you like, during the holidays you can also relax and experience a lot, be creative, and have fun with other young people you meet here.

Growing up also includes problems, worries, and struggles. A lot of things can be really annoying, and sometimes you can’t figure things out alone. If you have personal questions, you can talk to Tom or someone from the team. We’ll gladly take the time for you and try to find the right solutions!

You’re probably wondering why this building is called the “Old District Court”? And that, even though there’s no court here anymore. The court has nothing to do with food. It used to be a place where decisions were made about what was allowed and what wasn’t. Courts judge what is right, and that’s usually the job of a judge. From 1852, for 120 years, this building was a district court. There was even a prison in a small side building.

Even earlier, this building was part of the Lilienthal monastery complex. It was used as a tithe barn and a grain store. In a tithe barn, a tenth of the crops had to be given away. It’s similar to the taxes we pay today.

Let’s walk around the house together. There’s great fun with a small hut, the “game box.”

More info:
Instagram: altes_amtsgericht_lilienthal
Facebook: AltesAmtsgericht

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