Discover Warnemünde: Your audio guide | Rostock-Warnemünde

Preis: 7.99 €

Audiowalk von Tourismuszentrale Rostock & Warnemünde

13 Stationen
57:08 min Audio
3.92 km directions_walk favorite 18
Sprachen: German English Italian Spanish Swedish French
Discover Warnemünde: Your audio guide

Experience the most beautiful places of the seaside resort during an entertaining walk. Follow interesting stories, Low German anecdotes and historical facts about the seaside resort of Warnemünde.

How long does the tour last?
The tour through Warnemünde has a total of 13 stops. If you walk it without a break, you will need about 2 hours. You would like to have a coffee, tea or wine in between, or perhaps a piece of cake or an ice cream? Then you will be on your tour for 3 to 4 hours. We highly recommend the stops!

When is the best time for this tour?
You can start the tour at any time of the day.

In which languages is the tour available?
The tour of Warnemünde is available in German, English, Spanish, Italian, French and Swedish.

We wish you lots of fun!

© Publisher of the audio guide: Hanseatic and University City of Rostock, Tourismuszentrale Rostock & Warnemünde, Am Strom 59, 18119 Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany; Copyright of the texts: Tourismuszentrale Rostock & Warnemünde in close cooperation with Rostocker Stadtführerverein e.V. (Klaus Armbröster, Regina Sell, Klaus Lass); Speakers: Sarah Strahl (German - Tour Rostock), Klaus-Dietrich Lass (German - Tour Warnemünde), Liam O’Connell (English), Camilla Swanér (Swedish), Micheline Bouchez (French), Juan José de Artiagoitia (Spanish), Carlo Puca (Italian); Recording studio: Recording studio Rostock - ASHtunes Music Label by Leo Sieg; Title photo: TMV/Gänsicke

All information and data to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee of completeness and correctness. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted to third parties. All rights reserved.

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Stationen in diesem Audioguide:

Introduction & Warnemünde Information (1:58 min) • Bailiwick Of Warnemünde (4:33 min) • Edvard Munch House (4:47 min) • Street "Alexandrinenstraße" (5:40 min) • Fountain Of Procession (3:32 min) • Street "Am Strom " (Alter Strom) (2:54 min) • West Pier (5:25 min) • Lighthouse & Teapot (4:09 min) • Sea Promenade (5:03 min) • Spa House & Spa Park (5:47 min) • Warnemünde Church (3:42 min) • Middle Pier & Fish Market (3:55 min) • Neuer Strom (5:43 min)

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