Welcome to Longyearbyen

Aus dem Audiowalk Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start City Center

Preis: 19.99 €
Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start City Center
48 Stationen
68:08 min Audio
11.35 km directions_walk favorite 9
Welcome to Longyearbyen

Welcome to Longyearbyen and the Longyearbyen Audio Walk. On this approximately 10 km journey, we’ll guide you through the world’s northernmost town on a time-travel adventure with over 30 stations. If you choose not to cover the entire distance, feel free to skip a station and continue elsewhere. However, for a comprehensive experience, take your time and explore it all.

Before we begin, please follow some guidelines. While you can take photos of landmarks, remember this is an active settlement with residents. It’s discouraged to photograph people, especially children, without permission. Explore the town freely, but be aware you are in polar bear territory. Stay within the town’s boundaries for your safety. Longyearbyen lacks pedestrian lanes, so walk against traffic for safety.

Our audio tour leads you safely within the town’s limits, showcasing popular and hidden gems in its history and culture. Look for additional informative signs along the way.

You’re our guest—stay safe and enjoy your time in Longyearbyen.

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