Svalbard Bryggeri

Aus dem Audiowalk Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start Harbour

Preis: 19.99 €
Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start Harbour
50 Stationen
70:53 min Audio
12.33 km directions_walk favorite 3
Svalbard Bryggeri

Robert and Anne Grete Johansen conceived the idea of Svalbard Beer in 2007, but Norwegian alcohol laws hindered commercial brewing. In 2014, the legal gap was closed, and Svalbard Bryggeri beers hit the shelves in 2015. Operating in a regulated gray area for three years before the law change, it is now the northernmost microbrewery. Popular for its IPA, Pale Ale, Stout, and seasonal beers, the brewery attracts locals and global visitors. Local pubs and restaurants offer Svalbard Bryggeri beers.

The brewery welcomes visitors; for details, visit

Cruise ship passengers can’t buy alcohol locally, preventing them from bringing Svalbard Bryggeri Beer as a souvenir.

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