Snow Scooters everywhere

Aus dem Audiowalk Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start City Center

Preis: 19.99 €
Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start City Center
48 Stationen
68:08 min Audio
11.35 km directions_walk favorite 9
Snow Scooters everywhere

Svalbard residents favor snowmobiles, crucial for transportation in winter and utilized for weekend getaways and day tours.
During summer, these snowmobiles, parked on wooden pallets, might seem abandoned due to melting conditions. The pallets prevent sinking into mud, which transforms to ice in winter, ensuring easy retrieval for the next season. Commercial and private snowmobiles follow this storage method, with bigger companies using tents or halls for shelter.
The snowmobile season typically runs from January to May, but weather conditions can cause variations. Visitors can book guided snowmobile tours through the tourist information or hotel receptions, or privately rent, ensuring polar bear protection for the latter.

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