Schützenplatz - Consumption

Aus dem Audiowalk StuttgartAirLeben

Preis: 4.99 €
12 Stationen
136:58 min Audio
6.12 km directions_walk favorite 6
Schützenplatz - Consumption

The Schützenplatz has been redesigned by citizens to create more green spaces and enhance its appeal as a place to relax. Where cars once dominated the public space, there are now various seating areas, play opportunities, and plants. Schützenplatz serves as an example of how targeted greening and urban redesign can positively impact the city’s climate and make public spaces more livable.

The transformation originated from the real-world laboratory project “Parklets,” a citizen-led initiative that temporarily extends sidewalks with seating and plants to enhance public spaces and calm traffic.

In addition, the area features small shops and community initiatives focused on local production and resource conservation in line with the principles of a circular economy. For example, some businesses specialize in creating recycled products like (bicycle) bags, promoting reuse and sustainability.

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