Schlossplatz - Action

Aus dem Audiowalk StuttgartAirLeben

Preis: 4.99 €
12 Stationen
136:58 min Audio
6.12 km directions_walk favorite 6
Schlossplatz - Action

With StuttgartAirLeben, we aim to promote climate-friendly behavior through the organization of (digitally) guided climate education and action tours.

Our specific goals include:
* Raising awareness about climate facts and knowledge by providing climate-relevant and -supportive information in an engaging way, outdoors, and involving both citizens and tourists.
* Educating and sensitizing people to adopt climate-friendly lifestyles.
* Creating (greater) transparency about correct and mistaken climate protection measures (e.g., heating, waste separation, watering plants).
* All of this illustrated through examples from Stuttgart’s highlights.

At Stuttgart’s Schlossplatz, we invite you to take action yourself. Whether it’s picking up litter from the ground or fishing it out of fountains, watering trees and flowers, registering with DB Regio or Stadtmobil Stuttgart, or simply encouraging others to join our StuttgartAirLeben tour—our podcast guides you step by step to perform a “good deed” for our climate.

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