House of Krahnstöver

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19 Stationen
66:14 min Audio
4.59 km directions_walk favorite 21
House of Krahnstöver

The House of Krahnstöver is a seven-axle late Gothic gabled house that was first mentioned in a document in 1376. This makes it one of the oldest medieval houses in Rostock. From 1803 to 1986 it was the seat and operating site of Julius Krahnstöver’s distillery and liqueur factory.

Since 2000 the brick building which was built around the middle of the 19th century houses a restaurant. Since then cakes are baked and oxen stewed, café lattes prepared and pancakes fried. As soon as the temperatures rise, the southern terrace of the eastern Old Town invites all guests to sunbathe, enjoy and chat. The team of the Liquor Factory is looking forward to all visitors!

Photos: TMV/Gänsicke

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