Gruve 2B

Aus dem Audiowalk Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start Harbour

Preis: 19.99 €
Longyearbyen Audiowalk – Start Harbour
50 Stationen
70:53 min Audio
12.33 km directions_walk favorite 3
Gruve 2B

Opened in 1937, Mine 2b, established by Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani, operated until 1968, offering stable working conditions with a 70 cm to 1 m coal seam. Unlike other closed mines, Mine 2b’s entrance remains visible from the road, earning it the nickname “Nissegruva” or the elf mine.

Locals believe it’s Santa’s secret workshop, a tradition celebrated on the first Advent with a torch-lit march to drop wish lists at a post box. A lit Christmas tree crowns the mine entrance, brightening the dark season.

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