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培道中学 Punggol Secondary School
von tsycher_guide_mate · Singapore · 12 Stationen · 15:28 min · 556 m · Zu Fuß
1. 执行办公室 General Office
1:01 min · Front Reception:
You can register for the guided school tour by the Student Councilors and receive a free goodie bag. Feel free to ask our Student ...

23 m
2. 集合广场 Parade Square
1:02 min · Parade Square: This is the place where students gather for morning assembly on every Tuesday to Friday.

22 m
3. 家政课室 Home Economics Room
1:10 min · Home Economics Room: Students use these rooms to learn culinary skills and develop good consumer habits through a variety of programs during their ...

43 m
4. 咖啡座 School Cafe
1:54 min · Good News Cafe: The cafe serves a variety of pastries and drinks. Healthier food and beverage choices are available at the cafe.

13 m
5. 教学楼 Classroom Blocks
1:01 min · Classroom Demo
Venue: 1st to 3rd Floor, Block F
At different times of the day, our teachers will carry out demo lessons for visitors to have a sens...

60 m
6. 设计工艺课室 Design & Technology Room
0:32 min · Design and Technology Rooms: The D&T students use these rooms for their practical lessons where they learn to create products using the different m...

17 m
7. 多功能室 Multiplex
0:48 min · Principal Talk:
The Principal will address visitors at the Multiplex at the stipulated times. He will recount the history and heritage of Punggol S...

68 m
8. 家长支援会活动室 SFE Room
0:21 min · Parent Support Group – Bonding Camp
Venue: SFE Room
Punggol Secondary School’s Parent Support Group are having their Bonding Camp. Do drop by to h...

112 m
9. 食堂 Canteen
1:19 min · Non-IP Experience and Overseas Learning Journeys Exhibition
Venue: Canteen
At the canteen, there is the showcase of CCE, VIA, NE programmes, as wel...

12 m
10. 礼堂 Hall
1:51 min · Co-Curricular Activties Performances
Venue: School Hall
At different times of the day, our Band, Choir, Modern Dance and Guzheng Ensemble will be p...

71 m
11. 篮球场和操场 Basketball Court & School Field
2:42 min · CCA Exhibition
Sports CCA and Uniform group CCA displays will be placed at the Hall and Basketball court below the Indoor Sports Hall (ISH). Do che...

115 m
12. 停车场园艺园 Carpark Garden
1:47 min · Since 2012, the school has set aside an area for each cohort to plant a tree yearly. The trees symbolise the aspirations of our students to grow in...

培道中学 Punggol Secondary School
Punggol Secondary School Audio Guide
Sec 2 Express Chinese Project:
许倩彬 2C
林玮倩 2C
Justine Mark 2C
陈俊衡 2D
魏政峰 2C
余俊乐 2C
王秋雅 2C
林伟润 2D
沈慧文 2C
黎洁敏 2D
丁进才 2D
杨靖硕 2D
von tsycher_guide_mate (TSY Cher)
erstellt am 11/19/15
erstellt am 11/19/15

1. 执行办公室 General Office
Front Reception:
You can register for the guided school tour by the Student Councilors and receive a free goodie bag. Feel free to ask our Student ...
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