The Voice | Lod

Audiowalk von Johanna Steindorf

6 Stationen
29:33 min Audio
2.01 km directions_walk
The Voice

In a one-on-one experience, the musician Rudi Bainesay takes the audience on a meaningful path through the city of Lod. As the audio walk participant walks with headphones, she feels as if Rudi is walking beside her: Rudi talks about how her Ethiopian origin shaped her love for music and singing, how the participation in the TV Show “The Voice Israel” changed the course of her life and how she struggles with the stereotypes assigned to her as a black female singer. At the end of the walk, Rudi sings a song (Meir Ariel’s “Mod’e Ani”) at the destination she chose: the local community center at which she worked when she was discovered by “The Voice”.

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Stationen in diesem Audioguide:

Start (29:33 min) • Park Market Continue Exodus St Chicago Community Center

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