Audiotouren in Vancouver
Mach dein Smartphone zum Stadtführer. Augen und Ohren auf und los geht's - Sightseeing im Hörspielformat.
Kanada: Vancouver Standtrundgang
favorite 2

Deutsch, Englisch
64 Stationen
112:50 min
Erleben Sie Vancouver mit dem AOYO Audioguide und lassen Sie sich diese vielfältige Stadt von Ihrem digitalen Reiseleiter zeigen. Von den Wolkenkratzern und Häuserschluchten, über den Hafen und Chinatown bis hin zum weitläufigen Stanley Park erzäh...
1. Bedienung der App
2. Vancouver
3. Greater Vancouver Zoo
4. Exkurs: Boom oder Bust - Vancouvers überhitzter Immobilienmarkt
5. Museum of Anthropology
... (59 weitere)
Kanada West Komplett
favorite 14

Deutsch, Englisch
24.99 €
314 Stationen
629:51 min
Der Komplettguide für den Westen Kanadas!
Mit der digitalen Reiseleitung geht es zu den bekannten und unbekannten Highlights von British Columbia und Alberta.
Dieser Audio-Reiseführer enthält in 314 Stationen (über 10 Stunden Spielzeit):
* Mehr al...
1. Bedienung der App
2. Einleitung West-Kanada
3. Edmonton
4. Crowfoot Glacier Viewpoint
5. Helen Lake Trail
... (309 weitere)
The Unique Mount Pleasant Triangle Building

4 Stationen
12:34 min
| 273 m
This sound walk is a snapshot of a building, place and community I love, along with recollections of engaging with it for over 40 years and bits and pieces of architectural and historical information. It was put together in May/June of 2022, when ...
1. A Popular Gathering Spot
2. The Kingsway Side (of Vancouver's Triangle Building)
3. The Main Street Side (of Vancouver's Triangle Building)
4. Upstairs (at Vancouver's Unique Triangle Building)
Artists' Memories of the West End
favorite 1

8 Stationen
17:27 min
This contribution to Digital Stories Canada is a collection of memoirs that took place in the 90s and the first decade of the new millennium in Vancouver’s historic West End. Here is a small group of artists who practiced their mediums in that tim...
1. Former location of Odyssey Nightclub
2. Celebrities Nightclub
3. 1155 Pacific Street
4. Qmunity
5. Gordon Neighbourhood House
... (3 weitere)
Cottonwood Community Garden
favorite 1

10 Stationen
20:41 min
Welcome to Cottonwood Community Garden. When combined with our neighbour Strathcona Garden, we provide one of the largest green spaces in the Northeast area of Vancouver BC. Learn more about our origins as a guerilla garden, adding water services,...
1. Welcome to Cottonwood Community Garden (Accessible Entrance)
2. The Bees at Cottonwood Garden
3. Native Plant Garden at Cottonwood Community Garden
4. Asian Plant Garden at Cottonwood Garden
5. Environmental Youth Alliance (EYA) at Cottonwood Garden
... (5 weitere)
Artists' Memories of Mount Pleasant
favorite 1

9 Stationen
17:15 min
Michelle La Flamme began this sound walk in August 2021 and invites other artists, activists and creatives to share their memories too. Did hearing Michelle bring back your memories or make you dream about future change? Keep those thoughts alive ...
1. Michelle La Flamme - grunt gallery
2. Michelle La Flamme - Native Education Centre
3. Michelle La Flamme - NEC Murals
4. Michelle La Flamme - Swiss Bakery
5. Michelle La Flamme - Kingsgate Mall
... (4 weitere)